Monday, September 13, 2010

Something splendid - something out of this world!

Harry, Ralph and John go down to the local the pub in Wiltshire a few nights a week just like many other Brits to join the lads for a few pints.

They adhere to the universal instinct of blokedom and discuss football, the news, share the latest jokes whilst flirting with the 20 something bartender thinking they are in with a chance (even thought they are twice her age!). They moan in unison about that missed goal and feel they can coach the national football team better than a veteran of twenty years. All the usual bloke stuff that we all thrive on!

There is a catch to this scenario - these guys are a bit different and also slightly odd but yet frigging talented especially after several jugs of beer and bad vision. "What do you mean?" you are probably thinking.

Well its their odd hobby and odd choice of pastime  but hey whatever floats their boat! Before they go home to their wives and family they take a slight detour to a local crop field and go to the boots of their cars (aka trunks for  us North Americans)

Out come some wooden planks and ropes and as hammered as hell they start making perfect geometric patterns in the field and in the pitch dark!

Now this where the confusion sets in with their wives. Harry can't organize a piss-up in a brewery, Ralph is useless with directions and always needs Helen's (his wife) help and John has no balance, dances with two left feet and is a clumsy idiot who screws up everything he touches and he has no co-ordination. And that is when they are sober!

So here we get these clumsy fools who are as drunk as skunks producing perfect sacred geometry on their way home from the pub - just for shits and giggles!

As funny as the story is, is kinda makes us realise the drivel we are being told by people who obviously don't want us to think much about this topic.

I mean, in all seriousness and honesty, who or what is creating these beautiful shapes and messages (obviously intended for us) and what is their purpose?

Why are they communicating with us and what are they trying to tell us? It's a shame that something so splendid and out of this world is being overlooked and we simply bob around in our fish bowl as if it means nothing.

I urge you to watch this Youtube documentary "New Swirled Order" discussing the beauty of Crop Circles.

For the full movie
1. Go to this direct Link -->
2. Install the Veoh web player

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