Sunday, September 19, 2010

David Wilcock's interesting theories about life and the Universe

David Wilcock is a person I accidentally discovered on the Internet about three years ago (If memory serves me correctly).

I was browsing some Crystal healing websites for a dear friend in Australia who had lost her mother to breast cancer. I was quite taken aback by his website 

The theories and opinions that David puts forward especially with respect to humanity, spirituality and where we are headed is definitely time well spent and content worth viewing, reading and listening to - even though you may not agree. To me its always good to know "what is out there"

From my perspective, David has answered many burning questions I have had over the years and it ties in with what I have been learning through the Ruhi course as part of my discovery of the the Bahai Faith. I also do believe in extra terrestrial life (which David supports and with fantastic information) - there is just too much out there and too many possibilities for us to claim we are "the only ones". 

Its almost like any nation on earth 500 years ago stating that nothing existed on the other side of the ocean shores that lapped onto their shore every day - well at least I always use this analogy.

David has fantastic content on divine cosmos also has complimentary videos and other great content on FacebookYoutube and Google Videos - some of the former I have reference already in a previous post. I am sure there is other great content at other Social Networking, Blogs and other Video sharing sites you can research too. 

David is also about to release a mainstream Hollywood movie on his work called Convergence

If David and his topics really interests you, you can also participate in the Divine Cosmos forums and share ideas and opinions with others at


For more information on David's and to read his bio click here
David has received some criticism from certain circles claiming that he is the re-incarnation of  Edgar Cayce

But hey who are any of us to judge as many Religious Prophets claimed many things and they represented great things and also have millions of followers.

Also if you look at pictures of both on the right, they do seem to look alike but I'll leave it that and for the opinion of the reader as I personally have no real yay or nay on this one.

Some of David's key theories and beliefs:
  • 2012 will represent something special for mankind (but not a Hollywood style cataclysm)
  • There are human and humanoid life-forms throughout our galaxy and universe
  • Many are helping us through our next step in evolution
  • The Universe is the creator of all things 
  • Galaxies are living Organisms so is everything throughout the Universe
  • Everything including humanity is made of Universal Energy
  • This energy along with our Galaxy forms all DNA and life automatically like a creator
  • Religion and Science will finally unite
  • Earth humans will achieve planetary peace and will also join our Universal family
Videos to watch

Enjoy these Video samples and definitely learn more if you like what you see!

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