Monday, September 20, 2010

Bee Conscious, Bee Aware, Bee Concerned

Our cultivated and natural Bee Populations of almost all Bee species are diminishing worldwide and this is a phenomenon that should be taken very seriously.

In fact many Beekeepers have reported in recent years that entire hives have simply died or even vanished - sometimes overnight!

The honeybee is critically most important for the human food chain due to the fact that besides producing one of natures most purest substances to man in honey - it is the main pollinator of hundreds of types of food crops, nuts, flowers, vegetables and fruits.

Albert Einstein, is supposed to have quoted "If the world’s bees were to perish, humanity would too within four years, due to the absence of pollinators".

Now although its debatable whether Einstein ever made this comment, according to scientists the end of bees on earth would seriously disrupt the plant components in our natural food chain which in turn could cause mass extinctions of many animals and massive food shortages and worldwide starvation within humanity.

The question to pose is what is causing the disappearance of bees and what can be done about it?

There are several theories and reasons why this is happening including:

- Commercial Cultivation of Bees
- Urban sprawl and less wildflower and other plant populations
- Genetically modified crops and plants
- Pesticides
- Bee's diets not having a widespread nutritional exposure to various pollen types due to the above points
- Electromagnetic Radiation from telecommunications equipment which is interfering with their natural ability to navigate, communicate and function
- Global warming
- Increase in solar flare and space radiation on the earth and our solar system as we near the Galactic Center
- Mites and other natural enemies to bees increasing in numbers and resistance

Whatever it is, this is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed. Hopefully this is just a trend that will rectify itself.

Bee's and honey are beautiful creations of nature that I have always admired.

Bee Keepers are even finding it difficult now to supply enough honey to meet the world's demand.

For those who are interested, feel free to view the CBC documentary "To Bee or Not to Bee" at

A nice nature video to chill over

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