Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Water water everywhere - not a single drop to fear

Water is the essence of life - it flows in streams and rivers through the world's continents just like blood does in veins in our bodies.

In fact when you look at from a high and detailed level you would swear that you are looking at the anatomy of a living creature. Every living creature is tied to water and all major cities grew around rivers for that reason. How many major cities are named after a River?

It's basic proof that everything is a living organism and we all form part of one ecosystem from a single cell to individual creatures to species, to the land we live in and share to our planet, the solar system and beyond.

Everything feeds into everything and all are one.

A man of an average weight of 70kg or 154lbs contains about 40kg of water which is 57% of his body mass. Newborn infants can carry as much as 75% water and on the other side of the spectrum - Big Mac Munchers like myself as little as 45%. 

Two thirds of our body water is intracellular whilst the other third is intracellular.

Hydration levels in our bodies is very important - I certainly feel alive and awake and full of incredible energy and thoughts when I am well hyrdated. I also know that I am de-hydrated at the best of times.

As we get older especially when we are over age 50, the body’s thirst sensation diminishes and continues diminishing with age. A lot of older people suffer from health issues due to masked dehydration.

Water is interesting as it also carries a lot of other connotations especially since our oceans that cover the planet also cause storms and fatalities. Tsunami's, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Landslides, Floods, Shipwrecks, drownings, blizzards and snowstorms and all sorts of other disasters have water as a common denominator.  

Water us also a clear substance that is "tasteless and boring" so in addition by being surrounded by it and having it flowing through us - its clear that we take it for granted every day. But there could be a helluva lot more to this "clear boring eh-ch-two-owe" liquid than we actually realise.

Where water's importance takes a quantum leap

Japanese Researcher Masaru Emoto discovered that there is an entire dimension to water that is quite incredible. Emoto exposed water to different human moods, words, expressions, music and other forms and discovered that water formed different crystalline patterns  and structures depending on what it was exposed to.

It was as if the water could understand, interact and communicate with its surroundings just like a living being. For more information visit

With this in mind it is a huge tragedy how we treat water today especially when looking at the recent Gulf Oil Spill. To be honest its almost essential to be in a positive mood and framework when we also drink water but it shows at 57% body carry how mood also influences our bodies.

Water is not only a carrier of life  and peace on this planet but it stretches throughout the Universe as seen in the videos below which I urge you to watch

Entangled Water: Life, Consciousness, Memory Part 1

Entangled Water: Life, Consciousness, Memory Part 2

Water Memory

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