Monday, September 13, 2010

The splendour of the "Superbowl"

My name is Brendon Joseph and welcome to "Something bigger than us".

Most of us are city dwellers who lead the classic 9-5 travel-to-work-do-our-thing-and-then-travel-home life. That's right - every Monday to Friday - broken up by our "weekend thing" but all-in-all its a fairly Robotic existence at the end of the day.

Sure we can claim that we all have our various hobbies and yes we all strive for certain things but overall we don't really question what we are doing now do we?

Sometimes we gaze at a goldfish in bowl of water surrounded by air in someone's living room. I bet like me you think to yourself "Gee I am glad I am not those goldfish! I am free and they are stuck there". But really how much more free are we than the goldfish when you think about it?

I mean yeah - think about it? We sit in a planet surrounded by air (just like the goldfish's water) and on the other side of the air is a vacuum and the vastness of space. We're essentially the goldfish at the next level! That's unless someone can tell me a way in which we can naturally venture out of our atmosphere  unharmed and return when we feel like it. Yup in essence we're just as hooped as our two "Orange lovers" above!

Our planet is way larger than the goldfish bowl and we can venture to anywhere we want so I am very sure you're thinking right now "What is this Brendon tool on about ? Of course we are free and can venture off anywhere we want and can!"

Well no not really! We have to have money to go to other parts of the planet. Unlike animals who can in theory roam wherever they want, we also need visa's, sufficient currency and the right to go to certain areas with permission and so on and so forth. Animals on the other hand (besides being territorial to an extent - allow each other to roam without borders, visas and restrictions.

Now if we're a lucky westerner we can go to many more places but if we are a poor soul in a very poor country well we'll be lucky of we can get out of our village let alone be able to  go to "postcard paradise" and spend the day sipping Pino Coladas around the pool.

So what's the point I am trying to make?  We'll like the Goldfish we live in our own limited seclusion even though we think we are totally free and we don't know what exists beyond our own fishbowl of planet earth.

So like the Goldfish as it stands right now we are stuck on planet earth and we think all that is important to us and all that there is, is our own domain.

We enjoy the splendour of the "Superbowl" but like looking outside of the box we need to look outside of the bowl and see the Universe for what it is, love creation and everything created in the Universe just like we would expect the Goldfish to know and love what is on earth and outside their bowl.

Out there, on earth and in the fishbowl and even down to the molecules and subspace of what we know - there is something bigger than us. Lets embrace it for what it is and what creation and the energy of the Universe brings to us.

Welcome to something bigger than us

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