Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eye of the Tiger - the rise and fall of a sports icon

Before you think I am totally nuts....

So before you all think I am totally nuts with this fish bowl dash crop circle dash white powdered gold stuff I thought I would take some time to comment on "real-life news" stuff .

Oooooi pssst by the way, I am not just  out to prove to you that when I am not having tea with Lord Vader or loaning Leprechauns some cash to  come visit  their cousins in Nova Scotia, I am actually a reasonably sane person! Yes I have not surrendered my body for DNA extraction to a bunch of Aliens from Zeta Reticuli!

Anyway back to the main subject - Tiger Woods.....

When the Tiger Woods'  double-life and "extra marital hobbies " first hit the press  I was shocked like many others. 

To be honest I was one of the worst offenders of bad jokes that made fun of the "poor guy" from trying to break "Henry Ford's record" (F-150) to trying to get in at least 18 holes every day.

However, when you see the destruction it caused to his family and  to he poor guy himself I started to change my tune rather quickly from one of jokes and fun to one of serious empathy.

People don't do many things in life for sh1ts and giggles. Having dozens of lovers  and wild parting  may seem excessive  even as an unmarried person but seriously we all do crazy stuff in our lives so its stupid to judge at the end of the day. I have felt for a long time that the poor guy was missing something vital in his life to do this, and it seems this gut feel was right even when some people disagreed with me.

The answers that I was looking for  with respect to the above came to me on CBC online when I watched the documentary of the Rise and Fall of Tiger Woods.

I will post below and I encourage you to watch it but it contained some very very interesting points.

  • Earl Woods was saved from possible death in Vietnam by a native soldier named Tiger
  • Earl was a Green Beret at the time and felt his life was spared for a mission from above
  • Earl felt he could teach the world a powerful message through his son, Tiger
  • He decided that this message would be delivered through golf and drove his son
  • Tiger had a lonely military-like childhood as a result
  • Earl even instituted top notch Military brainwashing techniques on his son
  • The Woods' next door neighbours in LA described Tiger as a loner
  • He was a loner in school, did not trust any outsiders and he was controlled by his Agents
When you watch this documentary you realise that like Michael Jackson, Freddy Mercury and many other celebs this poor guy was probably incredibly lonely, got lumped with huge wads of cash, got thrown onto the Tour which is incredibly lonely in itself, was totally controlled and then lost his dad who was his only anchor during this period.

I for one think deep down that Tiger was and is an incredibly nice person who was used by most people around him as a pawn including his own Dad. Parents can often go overboard and try and live their lives and prove their points through their children and not realise the damage they are doing by not letting these people live their own lives.

The Documentary also shows two other people who you have to feel for even though they were part of the scandal and possibly caused much pain for Elin Woods.

Mindy Lawton was an "average girl" who worked in a small diner a few miles from the Woods' residence in Florida. She would follow Tiger home to have regular intimacy in his home den.
She never asked Tiger for money and she never scandaled about him. In fact, it was her mother that tipped the press off - Mindy was totally okay with the way things were.

Joslyn James
Joslyn James a dancer in an LA Strip club was another lover who never asked Tiger for money and spent three years seeing him as a person she loved and not a celebrity she could milk.

In fact, she had a miscarriage and and abortion with Tiger and has two tattoos on her back that reflect that.

You could also see in the documentary that she was very sincere in what she said and claimed and I could tell that there were true and deeps feelings in her heart.

It shows that there is a human element in all of this and its a real shame Tiger was manipulated in the way he was not by his lovers but by the people who controlled his brand and his own father.

I also feel Earl Woods was an exceptional and dedicated father too - sometimes we just go too far and its a lesson for all. Personally I have a very different opinion after seeing this documentary and I hope Tiger comes back and wins again and most importantly finds happiness.

In the meantime, it would be great if we all left him alone and let him rebuild things so his children can also be proud of him one day too - or at least this is the way I feel about it now.

Its easy to judge others but its no so easy to understand the reasons why we do things. Nobody is evil nor bad - we are all products of our environment and experiences and most of that for everyone goes back to childhood.

CLICK HERE - Enjoy the show!

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