Friday, September 17, 2010

Where Mono is better than Stereo and light meals are not about dieting

ORMES or Orbitally re-arranged mono-atomic elements sounds just like those good old chemistry classes we used to fall asleep in as high school kids or trip our way through as University students.

Well at least from my aspect back then I hated Chemistry and anything not mainstream - my course choices probably would have been way different had I known then what I know now but then again it's the only way you learn!

Amazing what some years of wisdom can do to even the oddest and most conservative campaigner - but I am not complaining how it turned out and am thankful for have be given the incentive to swim against the current.

Okay so what does this drivel have to do with anything?

ORMES were initially discovered by David Hudson in the 1960's and backed up by Laurence Gardner's writings and books to be very special atomic particles that can produce superconducting light that has incredible capabilities in nature including our own DNA.

One very popular ORME is White Powdered Gold. 

Many civilizations across the world and throughout history have used white powder gold in many forms and under many names for natural healing and awakening. 

David Hudson theorized that it is a superconductor creating energy that flows through the body with practically no resistance and can also remove past tension and resistances in the body that are built up from discomfort and imbalance. It promotes a continuing flow of positive light that will heal the body, mind, and soul by causing a trinity of balance.

Monoatomic gold was believed to be consumed by the Egyptians and Sumerians in the form of some sort of "manna" called "MFKZT". It is depicted as a triangular bread-like substance in the hands of pharoahs and high priests (on tomb walls). It was seen as "Elixir of Life" and "food for the afterworld" and was certainly heralded as having supernatural powers.
White Powdered Gold has also been discovered as a by product dash residue at the site of many Crop Circles.

ORMES supercharge DNA and can allow us to feed our light bodies which run parallel to our physical bodies. Our light bodies need as much maintenance and TLC as our physical ones and science is getting closer to finally proving the human spirit and soul does exist.

Medical experiments with White Powdered Gold in recent years have been astonishingly successful including Multiple Scleroris, Cancer, Lupus, Mental illness, CFS and many other conditions. David Wilcock and David Wolfe discuss ORMES in the videos below.

Video 1

Video 2

Zero Point Technologies, Monoatomic Gold, and The Secret of Modern Alchemy

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