Friday, September 24, 2010

Fast Forward, Rewind, Fast Forward

A short short time ago in a galaxy right right here.........

Episode X

There is a lot of glumness on planet earth
Widespread greed crashed the stock market two years before
The Jedi were called in to restore law and order in Iceland and Greece......... 
And I type yet another wider line in an attempt to make that flat glass Star Wars effect 

On a more serious note, for the prelude to the Generation Y'ers (which I am part of) enjoyed the fast forward, rewind, fast forward (that latter still to come) Star Wars trilogies.

George Lucas' secret sauce appealed to us for many reasons including  the special effects, storyline, merchandising, characters, The Jedi Factor, The Force, Luke's progress and so on and so forth.

However, in terms of new age, what we are discovering about ourselves, the Imperial attitude shown by many western nations, new world order, good overcoming bad, the universal energy that flows through everything in the universe, you have to wonder if Lucas in his brilliance was trying to send us a message through his trilogies all along.

The storyline that was started in 1977 and  unfolded in six episodes until pretty recently has had many very co-incidental parallels in our real world.

We have seen western politics become very corrupt and virtual Imperial rule emerge. - the "Republic was basically dissolved"

One just has to look at Afghanistan and Iraq to realise that just like Palpatine and the Sith gang there has been some seriously dubious players pushing the buttons in the background to influencing our direction in their favour and to cause mass suffering to many all in the name of power.

The good thing is that if parallels do exist and Lucas' message is a hidden one, we are headed for good things as good always overcomes evil.

If there is no message and parallels I still so feel that things will be very good in the future for all of us. Any Galactic Empire cannot not sustain itself by suppression, and lies and neither can one in our real world. Creating a massive middle class and having distribution of wealth and health  is the only way anything can survive from a single cell creature, to human, tribe, district, province, country, planet and star system.

A lot of people complain about New World Orders and all sorts of things like that but we are also ripe on earth for universal education, knowledge, governance and unity.

The only thing I may object to is a brunette making her hair look like two  high-end Bose noise cancelling earphones but then again of you have a large groaning ape and a sarcastic smuggler who is excuse the pun smug, maybe Leia was not so dumb after all ;-)

One a more lighter note:

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